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Primary Dysmenorrhea: Therapeutic Solutions for Clinicians

Primary Dysmenorrhea: Therapeutic Solutions for Clinicians

Primary Dysmenorrhea: Therapeutic Solutions for Clinicians

This course includes
Lifetime access after purchase
Certificate of completion


WombCare has designed a course to dissect the menstrual cycle and gives you specific clinical tools to treat patients who experience Dysmenorrhea. 

This is a one-hour course for healthcare professionals who are interested in expanding their skillset on the management of primary dysmenorrhea.  In this course you will learn the historical background of menstrual health, gain understanding of the creative process of the menstrual cycle, increase your knowledge of the underlying pathomechanism of primary dysmenorrhea, and key therapeutic modalities to help patients better manage their symptoms.

Learning Objectives:

  • Brief overview of female biochemistry
  • Purpose and creative process of the menstrual cycle
  • Indicators for healthy menstrual cycle
  • Understanding the pathomechanism to primary dysmenorrhea
  • Therapeutic modalities to manage primary dysmenorrhea


This course is intended for all healthcare professionals including physiotherapists, occupational therapists, massage therapists, family physicians, midwives, nurses, doctors, yoga therapists, kinesiologists, and OTA/PTA

The instructors
Amoy Jacques
Founder/CEO of WombCare

Amoy Jacques successfully completed a Master of Public Health and graduated Summa Cum Laude at the University of Montana on May 12, 2018. She has a sincere passion to improve the health, wellness and policies that support and protect women (particularly those of African descent) during their reproductive years. She was fortunate to gain exceptional experience at two graduate internships in Los Angeles, California. She worked as a public health intern with the Association of Wholistic and Maternal Newborn Health (AWMNH). Together with the executive director, they planned, implemented and evaluated the 2015 Mother Friendly Childbirth Initiative (MFCI) conference to improve community-based doula care and midwifery services for minority group women. As a graduate student at the Pasadena Public Health department, she worked with the Maternal, Child and Adolescent Health director to develop evaluation tools for the Black Infant Health Program to improve its effectiveness for future expectant black mothers. Additionally, she has been invited as a guest speaker at local Afro-Caribbean events on various topics such as fibroid management, and restoration of physical, mental and spiritual well-being.

Amoy currently works as a Registered Kinesiologist for over 13 years with Altum Health – University Health Network on the planning, implementation and evaluation of chronic disability management programs for injured workers. She is also the Founder/CEO of WombCare – a reproductive health and wellness agency seeking to conduct research with health agencies across Canada and create equitable programs, and policies for women, particularly those from marginalized communities.

Chanol Ottley-Allen

Dr. Chanol A. Ottley-Allen is a highly educated Physical Therapist with a bachelor’s degree in Kinesiology (Hons.) from McMaster University, Canada, Masters of Science in Physiotherapy from Leeds Beckett University, UK and a Doctor of Physical Therapy degree from Florida’s Nova Southeastern University. She is a registered and licensed Physical Therapist in Trinidad and Tobago with 11 years of expert knowledge, clinical experience and reasoning. Chanol has been involved in the health services field for 15 plus years. Through her extensive training and appreciation of the fact that education without practical experience could be vacuous, she consistently adheres to evidence-based interventions thus providing the most effective treatment options to her clients.

Chanol has worked in an orthopaedic outpatient setting for most of her career, but has also managed a healthy caseload of homecare clients; treating a variety of conditions. Throughout the course of her career she has nurtured a special interest in women’s health, recognizing the disabling effect some treatable conditions can have on this underserved segment of the population due, in part, to lack of access and awareness. Her passion areas in women’s health include pregnancy, postpartum care, pelvic pain, urinary and bowel issues. She welcomes the progressive leap towards virtual physical therapy being observed globally, as a means of closing the gap between need and access.

When she isn’t reading journal articles in an effort to stay au courant with the newest research or working on exciting new projects. Chanol is fitting in a morning workout, cooking a meal for her supportive husband while trying to keep up with her energetic toddler!

Material included in this course
  • SECTION 1: Menstrual Cycle Background
  • Meet the Course Instructors
  • Introduction to Menstrual Cycle Background
  • Historical Background of the Menstrual Cycle Presentation
  • Menstrual Cycle Background Quiz
  • Menstrual Cycle Background Feedback
  • SECTION 2: Menstrual Cycle as a Vital Sign
  • Introduction to Menstrual Cycle as a Vital Sign
  • Menstrual Cycle as a Vital Sign Presentation
  • Menstrual Cycle as a Vital Sign Quiz
  • Menstrual Cycle as a Vital Sign Feedback
  • SECTION 3: Therapeutic Framework for Managing Primary Dysmenorrhea
  • Introduction to Therapeutic Framework for Managing Primary Dysmenorrhea
  • Therapeutic Framework Presentation
  • Therapeutic Framework for Managing Primary Dysmenorrhea Quiz
  • Therapeutic Framework for Managing PD Feedback
  • Course Survey
  • BONUS Features
  • Primary Dysmenorrhea Screening Tool
  • Key Menstrual Cycle Hormones
  • Foods that Heal Primary Dysmenorrhea
  • Pain Management for Primary Dysmenorrhea
  • Therapeutic Exercises for Primary Dysmenorrhea
  • Introduction to Patient Exercises
Patient exercises included in this course
  • Additional Stretches
  • Breathing Exercise
  • Specific Hip Stretches
  • Key Stretches
  • Therapeutic Exercises for Primary Dysmenorrhea
Patient education included in this course
  • Foods that Heal Primary Dysmenorrhea
  • Pain Management for Primary Dysmenorrhea
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