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Functional Nutrition For Chronic Pain Level 1

Functional Nutrition For Chronic Pain Level 1

Functional Nutrition For Chronic Pain Level 1

This course includes
Lifetime access after purchase
Certificate of completion
The instructors


Do you see patients continually struggling with pain and not making measurable improvements with traditional treatments?

Are you frustrated with not being able to do more for your patients and help them go through each day without experiencing pain and discomfort?

If so, this course will change how you treat your patients – helping them to heal faster and actually become and stay pain-free.

Learning Objectives

In this online course you will learn:

  • Discover how to integrate functional nutrition for pain and chronic disease into your practice
  • Identify the root cause of patient pain and assess patients and clients holistically
  • Increase your referrals and generate higher revenues for your practice

New research into chronic pain has taught us more about what pain is, how the body is designed to heal itself, and how inflammation is linked to chronic pain and the majority of non-communicable diseases.

How do I know this will change your practice – and your care of patients – for the better? When I began implementing functional nutrition strategies alongside therapeutic exercise, manual therapy, and pain education, my patients experienced relief much sooner and remained pain-free long term.

In order to help patients heal from chronic pain, and manage other non-communicable diseases, it is critical to recognize the whole person when implementing treatment strategies.

As a practitioner, you already have a lot on your plate. But learning to integrate nutritional advice into your typical treatment plan and understanding the role nutrition plays in effective pain care takes much less time than you may imagine.


Course Overview:

This is a 4-week online course for healthcare professionals who are interested in expanding their skillset and incorporating functional nutrition into their practice. This course is broken down into 4 weeks:


Week 1: Foundations of Functional Nutrition and Functional Medicine

Get off to a strong start by discovering the core concepts of functional medicine and nutrition, including biochemical individuality and a personalized approach. We’ll explore common clinical imbalances including: immune defense and repair, energy production, assimilation and digestion, hormone and neurotransmitter communication, transport, detoxification, and structural integrity.

Functional nutrition will be compared to conventional medicine approaches in healthcare. You’ll also take a close look at the web-like interactions within the human body and their relation to healing.

Week 2: Root Cause Disease and Inflammation

The root cause of disease is studied in-depth along with its relation to inflammation and oxidative stress within the body. Because modern medicine focuses on treating symptoms without addressing the root cause, many common conditions are never fully resolved.

Instead of taking medication to reduce joint pain or treat a chronic disease, you’ll learn how your patients will be better served by reducing inflammation in the body through the lens of functional nutrition.

Week 3: Evidence-based Nutrition

Week 3 takes you through a close examination of the physiology of nutrients and how they affect pain and inflammation. You’ll gain a contemporary view of the evidence and the true role micronutrients, macronutrients, and phytochemicals play in a functional nutrition intervention. The building blocks for the use of functional nutrition for pain care begins here.

Week 4: Metabolism

Lifestyle and environmental factors as they pertain to metabolism are fully explored in this week. You’ll gain a fundamental understanding of the pathophysiology as it relates to metabolic inflexibility and metabolic syndrome.

Type II diabetes, obesity, and hypertension along with dietary and nutrient factors will be discussed. You’ll learn why there is a strong need to identify and implement strategies that reverse metabolic disease, along with the trend of increased morbidity and mortality, affecting every generation.

Plus, this course contains Bonus content including group coaching call replays!


This course is available to all healthcare professionals including physiotherapists/physical therapists, occupational therapists, chiropractors, athletic therapists, kinesiologists, osteopaths, as well as movement and yoga therapists.

Patients experiencing chronic pain expect more in today’s information-driven world than just recommendations for exercise and some manual therapy. They want to achieve long-term relief and look to you for expertise and guidance to help them feel better in every way.

Nutrition is a crucial part of that.

By gaining an in-depth understanding of how nutrition influences pain, you will …

  • Accelerate the healing process and alleviate your patients’ chronic pain
  • Experience dramatic improvements in patient satisfaction and outcomes
  • Gain a reputation as a valuable go-to resource within your community
  • Deepen your skills and prepare yourself for multidisciplinary care



This is Part 1 of a 2 Part course. In order to qualify for CEUs, you must complete both courses. On checkout, you will be able to purchase both courses together (with a discount!). You can find Part 2 of this course here

Parts 1 and 2 of 'Functional Nutrition for Chronic Pain' are approved for a total of 36 Physical Therapy Continuing Education Units!

The Integrative Pain Science Institute is recognized by the New York State Education Department, State Board of Physical Therapy, as an approved provider of physical therapist & physical therapist assistant continuing education. Courses are approved in New York as well as more than 30 states through reciprocity (see below for a list of states).


States Approved Through Reciprocity:

Alaska, Arizona, California, Colorado, Connecticut, Delaware, Georgia, Hawaii, Idaho, Indiana, Iowa, Kansas, Kentucky, Maine, Massachusetts, Michigan, Mississippi, Missouri, Montana, Nebraska, New Hampshire, New York, North Carolina, North Dakota, Oregon, Pennsylvania, Rhode Island, South Carolina, South Dakota, Tennessee, Texas, Utah, Virginia, Washington, Wisconsin and Wyoming.

NOTE: Many state boards accept offerings accredited by national or other state organizations. If your state is not listed, please check with your professional licensing board to determine whether the accreditations listed are accepted.

For participants outside of the United States or those who do not require a formal CEU certificate, you will receive a certificate of completion when you complete this course. The Integrative Pain Science Institute can also provide a Letter of Participation form that you may keep for your records. Upon completion of the course, please contact us at to request the form. Please check with your industry governing body to confirm whether this is required for your continuing education.

The instructors
Joe Tatta

Dr. Joe Tatta is one of the pioneering experts in lifestyle interventions for treating persistent pain. A unique combination of physical therapist, nutritionist, and ACT trainer, he has 25 years of experience in physical therapy, integrative models of pain care, leadership and private practice innovation. He holds a Doctorate in Physical Therapy, is a Board-Certified Nutrition Specialist and has trained extensively in Acceptance and Commitment Therapy. Dr. Tatta is the Founder of the Integrative Pain Science Institute, a company dedicated to reinventing pain care through education, research and professional training.

In 2017 he was a key member of the APTA task force expanding nutrition as part of the scope of practice for physical therapists. He is chair of the Physiotherapy SIG at the Association for Contextual Behavioral Science, the parent organization of Acceptance and Commitment Therapy. He also volunteers his time on the New York Physical Therapy Opioid Speakers Bureau and the New York Physical Therapy Association Opioid Alternative Task Force. Dr. Tatta is author of the bestselling book, Heal Your Pain Now and host of The Healing Pain Podcast, featuring interviews and free training from respected pain experts.

Material included in this course
  • Week #1: Foundations of Functional Nutrition and Functional Medicine
  • Introduction
  • Video Training - Foundations of Functional Nutrition and Functional Medicine
  • Video Training PDF
  • Paper - Personalized Lifestyle Medicine: Relevance for Nutrition and Lifestyle Recommendations
  • Association of the Functional Medicine Model of Care With Patient-Reported Health-Related Quality-of-Life Outcomes
  • Nutrition Education Assignment
  • Nutriton Education - Inflammation Index
  • Module #1 Quiz
  • Feedback
  • Week #2: Root Cause Disease and Inflammation
  • Video - Root Cause Disease and Inflammation
  • Video Training PDF
  • Paper - Has human diet a role in reducing nociception related to inflammation and chronic pain?
  • Paper - Oxidative stress, mitochondrial dysfunction and, inflammation common 2 events in skin of patients with Fibromyalgia
  • Paper- Antioxidant functions
  • Nutrition Education Assignment
  • Nutrition Ed - Antioxidant rich foods
  • Nutrition Ed - Contributors to an Inflammatory Lifestyle
  • Module #2 Quiz
  • Optional Reading - Nociceptive neurons detect cytokines in arthritis
  • Feedback
  • Week #3: Evidence-based Nutrition
  • Video - Micronutrients
  • Micronutrients
  • Video - Fatty Acids
  • Fatty Acids
  • Video - Carbohydrates/Protein
  • Carbohydrates/Protein
  • Paper - Omega-3 Fats Acids & Treatment of Rheumatoid Arthritis- A Meta-analysis
  • Paper - The Role of Magnesium in Neurological Disorders
  • Nutrition Ed- How Healthy Is Your Diet?
  • Nutrition Ed - Food Sources of Essential Fatty Acids
  • Nutrition Ed - Processed Foods
  • Nutrition Ed - The 10 Top Sources of Fiber
  • Nutrition Ed - Eat a Rainbow of Phytonutrient Foods
  • Nutrition Ed- Picking Perfect Fruit
  • Nutrition Ed- AHA Sugar Handout
  • Nutrition Ed- 24 Hour diet & GI diary
  • Module #3 Quiz
  • Recommended Reading - 2015-2020 dietary guidelines for Americans
  • Optional reading - What is the evidence for a role for diet and nutrition in osteoarthritis?
  • Feedback
  • Coaching Calls
  • Coaching Call Access
  • Week #4: Metabolism
  • Video - Metabolic Syndrome
  • Slides - Metabolic syndrome
  • Video - Mediterranean Diet
  • Slides - Mediterranean Diet
  • Paper - How the mediterranean diet and some of its components modulate inflammation in arthritis
  • Paper - The Mediterranean Diet, its Components, and Cardiovascular Disease
  • Nutrition ed- Med Diet Instructions
  • Nutrition ed - Mediterranean Plate
  • Nutrition ed - Plate & Meal Timing
  • Nutrition ed- Basic Plate
  • Nutrition ed - The Complete Anti-inflammatory Foods and Shopping Guide
  • Nutrition ed- Harvard Plate
  • Module #4 Quiz
  • Optional - Laboratory Assessment of Metabolic Syndrome and Cardiovascular Disease
  • Optional - Questionnaire of Mediterranean Diet Adherence
  • Feedback
  • Bonus: Mindful Eating & Behavior Change
  • Dr. Susan Albers training on behavior change and mindful eating
  • Mindful eating patient handouts
  • Optional reading - Mindful eating and intuitive eating in changing eating behaviours effectiveness and associated potential mechanisms
  • Bonus: Pediatric & Adolescent Nutrition
  • Video- Pediatric Nutrition Training with Dr. Nicole Beurkens
  • Pediatric Intake Forms
  • Paper - Comprehensive Nutritional and Dietary Intervention for Autism Spectrum Disorder—A Randomized, Controlled 12-Month Trial
  • Optional reading - Fecal Transplant Autism Long Term Benefits 2019
  • Additional resources about diet, nutrition, and autism
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