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Core Confidence for Pelvic Health Physiotherapists

Core Confidence for Pelvic Health Physiotherapists

Core Confidence for Pelvic Health Physiotherapists

This course includes
Lifetime access after purchase
Certificate of completion
The instructors


Expand your assessment skills as a women's pelvic health physiotherapist. Learn how to assess your patients in standing and movement using the Core Confidence Exercise program. Birth prep coaching for your pregnant patients will also be covered.


Level Up (no pun intended) Your Patient Assessments

  • As a women's health professional you want to be the in-demand expert women trust to help them understand and care for their body in ways that can help them stay strong in pregnancy, prepare them for birth, and heal common postpartum core challenges like incontinence, prolapse and diastasis recti.

  • Internal assessments on the bed are an important first step but the landscape changes..symptoms change too...when the body is upright and moving.


Women need you!

  • Learn how to assess your clients in standing and movement using the Core Confidence exercises. For therapists who treat pregnant women, learn how to determine your patients most effective positions for pushing and how to help them learn to push effectively.

  • Pelvic health is becoming increasingly talked about and more and more women are seeking the guidance of a women’s health physiotherapist. Therapists who are trained in assessing the pelvic floor in movement add an additional skill level that will benefit women through all life stages and taking that a step further, therapists who are able to assess and coach their pregnant clients as they prepare for birth is a game changer!

  • The majority of women have been or will become pregnant at some point in their life and many women are waiting until they are in their 40's to start a family. Some women are in perimenopause while also becoming pregnant.

  • An understanding of the effects of pregnancy and birth on the body and how to train your client for what is arguably the most challenging event they will ever endure.


It's Time to Join The Ever-Growing Community!

  • We began with our Core Confidence Specialist Course for fitness and non internal physios in 2013 and taught it live. We then added the 1 day course for internal pelvic floor therapists in 2015 followed by our Pre/Postnatal course in 2018. We launched the Core Confidence and Pre/Post course online in 2018 and it is now time to get the internal therapist course online too!

  • We have held an internal course in Vancouver, Toronto and Montreal. Now we can reach therapists anywhere with the course fully online.


Learning Objectives 

  • Anatomy AND the function of the true inner core.

  • How pregnancy and birth affect the core.

  • Essential moves to train your clients for birth. The principle of specificity is KEY to training your clients for the most physically and emotionally challenging event of their lives.

  • What Diastasis Recti is, how to assess for it in pregnancy and postpartum. It is more than just the gap.

  • The optimal response of the pelvic floor in movement as well as pelvic floor conditions as they relate to underactive vs overactive pelvic floor muscles. You will also gain an awareness of when in movement would be considered most optimal for pelvic floor contraction and how to assess for the timing.

  • How exercise can both help and hinder. Move your clients through their programs with new awareness developed from this course.

  • Functional movements for motherhood and how to get your prenatal clients ready for the demands of being a mom.

  • Understand the relevance of pelvic floor assessments done with movement. Learn internal management strategies for pelvic floor retraining postpartum and beyond.

  • Learn a variety of birth positions and how to assess the tone and response of your patient’s pelvic floor to help optimize pushing efficiency and increase their confidence
The instructors
Pelvienne Wellness

Kim Vopni is the founder of Pelvienne Wellness Inc – a company offering pelvic health programs and coaching for women in pregnancy, motherhood and menopause. Pelvienne Wellness is a provider of products and services for women's pelvic health in pregnancy, motherhood and menopause. They use a variety of exercise and movement practices to help women dealing with incontinence, organ prolapse, diastasis recti and chronic low back pain.
Material included in this course
  • Introduction
  • Introduction and Course Outline
  • Anatomy
  • Core 4 Anatomy Review
  • Feedback
  • Pelvic Floor Dysfunction
  • Review of Main Types of Dysfunction
  • Feedback
  • Diastasis Rectus Abdominis
  • DRA - Assessment and Treatment
  • Feedback
  • Functional Assessment & Treatment
  • Assessment Overview
  • Bridge - Internal Assessment
  • Clam - Internal Assessment
  • Pelvic Floor and TvA Co Contraction Internal Assessment
  • Curl Up Task Internal Assessment
  • Core Cue Effort Assessment
  • Double Leg Lifts - Internal Assessment
  • Lunge - Internal Assessment
  • Squat - Internal Assessment
  • Standing - Internal Assessment
  • Power Cue - ASLR
  • Feedback
  • Labour & Birth
  • Birth Prep
  • Pushing - Childbirth - Internal Evaluation
  • Feedback
  • Postpartum Considerations
  • Movement for Motherhood
  • Feedback
  • Collaboration
  • Improving Outcomes with a Collaborative Approach
  • Feedback
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